July 16th 2021 Sydney Morning Herald Blackholes and Modulations album review ""Ephemera Quartet is always outward-reaching conceptually....and can achieve a surprisingly orchestral sweep...music of peculiar depth and mystery that somehow evades the laws of gravity. 4 STARS"
27th May 2021 Limelight Magazine Blackholes and Modulations album review "Terrific, rich, pulsating, reverberant...sophisticated and compelling...colourful and vivid."
Aug 5th 2017 Sydney Morning Herald Orbits and Riffs album review "Arresting, genre-blurring double album...disquieting music with massive breadth and high drama. 4 STARS" John Shand
June 2017 - Jazz and Beyond Orbits and Riffs review by Peter Wockner "Full of sonic textures and infinite possibility, this is one of the true concept albums of recent years. 4 STARS."
Aug 27th 2018 - Limelight Magazine
Aug 2nd 2018 - Limelight Magazine
Jan 2018 - The Music Trust/Loudmouth Orbits and Riffs review by Jospeh Cummins "a certain sonic luminescence...highly evocative and adventurous"
Feb 21st 2018: The Space Show interview by Andrew Rennie Southern FM Victoria 88.3FM: space.southernfm.com.au/spaceshow2018interview.html#2018i1
May 1st 2017 - Northside Radio interview: '...He was almost anti-theory, which is actually what I wanted to learn from him...' http://www.jazzandbeyond.com.au/interview.html#KeynaWilkins
Jan 17th 2017 - New Australia Eastside Radio interview
July 3rd 2016: - Diffusion Radio (Melbourne) interview:
Jan 17th 2017 - New Australia Eastside Radio interview
July 3rd 2016: - Diffusion Radio (Melbourne) interview:
May 7th 2017 - Cut Common: "Ephemera Trio is taking us on a voyage into the universe, morphing the elements of space into new music. Curious and inspiring, Orbits and Riffs is the group’s new album that uses NASA recordings of stars and planets’ electromagnetic waves, and combines these otherworldly sounds with jazz, classical and experimental music."
May 30th 2016 - Inner West Courier
MAR 4th 2016 - Skye on Stage review of Ephemera show @ Sound Lounge: "Not, perhaps, since Karen Carpenter called occupants of interplanetary space have musicians extended a hand quite so far. The music and more is, truly, out of this world.... this is an intergalactic love song dedication that knows no peer"
NOV 16th 2015 - Jazz Australia Org: "It was Sun Ra who told us “space is the place” and that’s the dimension to where the Ephemera Trio aim to transport. Their music explores astronomical phenomena on a voyage through a universe of pulsars, craters, planetary atmospheres, stars, sun and void."
NOV 10th 2015 - Altmedia